
one of the most useful tweaks for old ios

Fixing the stores

iTunesStoreX fixes visual discrepancies, aswell as launching the iTunes Store, on iOS 6.0-> 6.1.6.

If your store already works, or you're using an alternative fixer tweak, there is a separate layout fixer tweak called iTunesLayoutFix

Detailed explanation

iTunesStoreX hooks to the iTunesStore framework (, which is responsible for making network requests to Apple's iTunes services. It hooks to it, and changes the initialization bag's endpoint from, which has been misconfigured by apple most likely, and only returns "Not allowed" instead of the actual bag. Instead of using this endpoint, it gets redirected to, an endpoint that was used since iOS 7 Beta 4 instead of the old one, and is still used to this day by devices accessing the iTunes Store.

The store layout is fixed by redirecing the .js dependencies of the HTML store frontend on-the-fly to ones that aren't broken, yet still hosted by apple.

Here are iPhone/iPod screenshots of each store frontend in it's full glory. With the tweak, of course.

iTunes Store




App Store (Featured)


App Store (Top Charts)




iTunes Store (Search)

I left out some images such as showing more fixed layout affected parts of the stores, aswell as the iPad screenshots. The iPad screenshots are on the subreddit post.

Go to the reddit post.

This tweak is only intended to work on iOS 6.0-6.1.6. Maybe support will be added for iOS 2-5 soon.

Download the tweak from Cydia.

The tweak's name is iTunesStoreX V2, and for the layout fix, it's just called StoreLayoutFix